We collect user data when necessary for statistics and when a user or customer willingly use any of the services found on our website. Services necessary includes Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and any social media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc). These services are used to track basic customer data, such as number of website visits, journey (e.g. customer arrives at the website from a link found on Facebook or similar), location and possible shopping tracking.
Services labelled as one where customer use is willinglyg include registering to The Mind Palace's mail list, when contacting The Mind Palace, when sending booking requests etc.
In line with European regulations (e.g. GDPR), we save detailed customer data as long as that data is found valid and useful for the service we provide. Any customer that want their personal data deleted can at any time contact us for such a request.
From all contact forms, name, address, e-mail and phone number will be saved.
From purchases, all sales information will be saved for 7,5 years (according to Swedish accounting laws). That includes information about the customer (name, address, e-mail, phone number and detailed purchase information (no payment information will ever be saved).
We strictly use information for monitoring, sales and from contacts (us contacting venues, booking agencies and where someone is contacting us).
From monitoring, we never receive nor save any personal data.
Our purpose with personal data usage is to sell our products (no ads or newsletter e-mails will be sent without the users permission), to stay in contact for ongoing and / or future business and to communicate with fans and customers.
We never sell, trade or transfer any personal information to any third party. However, we use third party solutions for specific usage, e.g. Shopify to sell merchandise online. In all these cases, the information is provided by the customer to the third party solution (e.g. Shopify). In all these cases, no information will be stored by The Mind Palace in any of The Mind Palaces systems.
Exceptions in terms of transferring information includes suspected illegal activities, accounting or any other legal reasons.
Non personal information can be used for marketing, sales or overall improvements.
Information by visitor willingly provided to third parties is covered by third party terms of use.
The Mind Palace are responsible for the information security only connected to the areas mentioned in these terms of use.
In terms of information security used by third parties, we kindly refer to the third party terms of use.
In terms of an IT system breach (third party solution), we kindly refer to the third party terms of use.
We use cookies to track non specific information about visitors, e.g. recurring visits, location etc. This information can not in any way be used to identify an individual visitor.
By visiting and using the services found on The Mind Palace's website, you consent to these terms of use.
When using third party solutions (provided by The Mind palace), we kindly refer to the third parties terms of use.